Saturday, July 24, 2010

Out of Sight, Out of Mind or Absense Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I've reached a familiar phase in my "relationship" with this guy, if you can really call it that. We've been hanging out for a few weeks now but it's nothing really serious at this point. I find myself at a point now where I'm not really sure where things are going or how it's gonna end up.

The thing about me is that I tend to have a very short attention span when it comes to guys. If a guy isn't making his presence known in some form it's very easy to me to just stop caring and eventually forget about him altogether. Even the tiniest things will suffice, a phone call here, text message there, hell even drop a note on my Facebook wall. Just something to let me know you're around. Why you ask? Because I'm one of those out of sight out of mind people. I'm sure there are many folks out there for which absence makes the heart grow fonder but I am not one of those people. At least not long term.

In the beginning, I totally obsess over the next time I'm gonna speak to or see the boo of the moment. Then after a while it's just like whatever. I guess it's just as much my fault as his. If I really wanted to talk to you I could just as easily pick up the phone but after a while I don't really care enough to bother. That's kind of the point I'm at with this guy. I not so far gone that I just don't give a fuck anymore but right now I really feel like I could go either way. I can either be like screw it and stop caring or I can go back to a milder form of my usual obsession. It's kind of up in the air at this point and the fact that he never responded to my text yesterday isn't exactly helping. I wonder if I should call him today...hmm.

Whatever, I guess I'll just have to see what happens.

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