Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Relaxed or Natural

A pretty heated debate in the Black community. I've heard/read some comments from natural women saying that Black women get relaxers because somewhere in their mind they want to look White or because they are ashamed of their natural hair. That may actually be true for some people but it kind of sounds like bullshit to me. Then there are the relaxed girls who say they get relaxers because they just don't want "nappy" hair and the straight hair is easier to manage. That's pretty much the case for me. I just like my hair straight. It's that simple. There's no underlying reason buried deep in my subconscious. It is what it is.

I can't for the life of me understand why all this deep philosophical thinking goes into something like hair. No offense to my natural girls but from what I've seen and heard it's mostly you all who are making a big thing about relaxers, hair textures, etc. What's the big damn deal? It's just hair! Why do you care what I do with my hair anyway? I'm the one who has to live with it so why is the fact that I use a chemical straightener so significant to you?. Why does it bother you so much? Now I'm not saying all natural women are like this. But I don't like how some of them seem to look down on you or make you feel bad for having a relaxer like it's the worst thing in the world. That natural hair on your head doesn't bother me at all because that's your business. I don't look at you and think "ugh, this nappy headed bitch needs to straighten that mess" because that would be mean and unnecessary. And to be honest I don't really care that much about what decide to do with YOUR hair. So I don't understand why you care so much about MY hair.

Anyway, a couple of my friends are starting to transition over to Team Natural and it started making me think about my own hair. After doing a little (emphasis on the little) research I'm seriously considering going the natural route. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna rock an afro, braids or dreads because when I try to picture myself with any of those hairstyles it just looks all kinds of wrong. I don't mind giving up the relaxer and being chemical free but I still want straight hair. Does that mean I'm not really natural? Maybe, at least according to some sources. I'm NOT doing any kind of big chop on my hair because I really like length and the TWA isn't for me. You can't even imagine how weird I would look with any kind of afro, much less a teeny weeny one. I hear it's harder to transition with the two different hair types but it can be done, it just takes more work.

I just got a relaxer at the beginning of this month so I still have a good amount of time to decide if this is something I really want to stick with. No matter what I'm still gonna straighten my hair just in a more healthy, non permanent way. I'll let you know what happens.

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