Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Book Review: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

I've been wanting to read Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey for a while now but with school I really didn't have much time for leisure reading. Now that I finally had the chance to read the whole thing I thought I'd share my thoughts with whoever stumbles upon this blog.

For those who don't know, the book is basically a relationship guide for women from a man's perspective. He gives pretty good insight about how men think about relationships which is very different from the way women thing about them. Anyway, I really liked the book. The only part I didn't read was the chapter about single parent dating because I don't have any kids so none of his advice on the subject would apply to me.

The main thing that really stood out to me was that women really do have a lot of power over what goes on in a relationship but either they don't realize it or they just don't use it. Steve talks about how women are the ones who decide when, where, or if they have sex with a guy. It doesn't always seem like it but when you think about it it's actually true. The best thing was where he said that women need to get standards which I totally agree with. Not like Chilli or anything but enough to let someone know that you're only going to accept the best. The women with standards are the ones he referred to as 'keepers' while those without standards are pretty much just 'game fish' to be thrown back once men get what they want from them (which is sex of course).

In the book he also talks about the differences between men and boys. He gives women questions to ask to guys they're interested in and based on their answers you can tell if he's a real man with his shit together (or at least working on getting it together) looking for a meaningful relationship or just a boy playing games to get some ass. I really don't feel like going into too much detail here but some of the questions were about his future plans, what he thinks of you, etc. Perfectly logical stuff that I don't think most women ask. I know I never have but I'll definitely start after reading this book. I'm not in the mood to deal with the same nonsense from guys anymore.

One thing I got from the book that I pretty much already knew is that all men are basically the same. But I'm sure most people knew that already. They're very simple creatures when you really think about it. And I don't mean that in a bad way. Anyway, long story short, I would definitely recommend this book to any woman out there wondering what the hell is up with dudes and how they can get the type of relationship they want. I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars.

p.s. On the radio show Steve said he's working on a second book where he drops even more knowledge about men for women. I'm looking forward to it :)


dating diva said...

I've been wanting to read this! Good review, I'll def try to pick up the book soon.


Anonymous said...

Interesting..I've been wanting to read this book but skeptical on steve harvey "so called advice"

Miss K said...

Thanks dating diva!

And Lol @Anonymous but he really does give some good advice, in my opinion anyway.