Friday, June 25, 2010


This isn't going to be a long drawn out post, just a little acknowledgment and my opinion on a few things regarding Michael Jackson. I just finished watching the 20/20 special about MJ for the one year anniversary of his death so I guess that's why I'm writing this. A few things I got from it:

1. This so-called "Dr." Conrad Murray needs to be put down. He admitted that when he performed CPR on MJ that it was his first time ever performing CPR. Really dude? Then on top of that he was doing it on a bed with only ONE hand. Newsflash idiot you're supposed to put the person on a hard surface in order to do the chest compressions and unless it's a baby you need both hands! And don't get me started on the amount of meds he prescribed. Michael was obviously addicted but as a "doctor" this loser shouldn't have been enabling him. Fuckery I tell you.

2. Also, why is it that not 2 seconds after their father's death there's videos and pictures of the kids all over the place? It's really a shame considering all he did to keep exactly this type of thing from happening. Some people thought the masks were too much and while it was a bit extreme, I can totally understand the reasoning behind it. It was for protection plain and simple. Being Michael Jackson's kid you need all the protection you can get because people are crazy. I really can't blame the guy.

Now on to something a little more lighthearted. Some of my MJ favorites or at least one:

Favorite Video: Remember the Time (I know for most people it's probably Thriller but for me it's a close second)

Favorite Song: Too many to choose. I really can't pick just one so I'll go with my top five.
1. Dirty Diana
2. Remember the Time
3. Heaven Can Wait
4. They Don't Care About Us
5. Man In the Mirror

That's all for now. DEUCES!!!

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