Sunday, April 4, 2010

No homo? Stop the Stupidity

Of all the idiotic, unnecessary slang terms out there I'm pretty sure "no homo" is the worst. I mean seriously, what moron came up with that? Furthermore, why did the aforementioned moron's friends let him believe it was a good idea to actually use that term? I have such an issue with the use of this term because it just doesn't make any sense to me. What's really the point of saying "no homo" before making a statement?

I don't know for sure how the use of "no homo" got started but the first time I remember hearing it was in Lil' Wayne's song Lollipop. From then on it seemed like I was hearing it practically everywhere. The majority of people I hear saying it are African American males *insert my shocked face...NOT*. Apparently some men feel the need to say "no homo" before saying something so that whoever they're talking to doesn't think they're gay or so they won't sound gay. Personally, that's probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I guess it's a guy thing because they feel this need to protect or prove their masculinity all the time. Even when it's not in question.

For me, if a guy feels the need to say "no homo" it only makes me think that he really is on the down low and trying to cover it up. Whereas if he had just said whatever he was going to say with no preface, I probably wouldn't think anything of it. But the fact that you feel the need to put a disclaimer before your statement makes me think there's something else going on. Are you so insecure that you can't make a simple statement without being afraid of what people may think of you? I mean really, dudes can't even compliment each other without it being a big deal. It's always "I'm not gay but...." whenever they compliment each other. Really dude? It's not that serious. Giving someone of the same sex a compliment doesn't mean you're gay and it doesn't mean people are going to think you're gay. Stop being an idiot!

I think it's very different and I guess easier for females. I myself can compliment another female without feeling like people will think I'm a lesbian. I have no problem saying "Oh she's cute" or "Hey, her boobs are awesome." What's the big deal? Just because I can admit that another female is attractive doesn't mean I want to jump her bones. I don't understand why so many males have yet to grasp this concept. I guess it's because most of them have this overwhelming need to constantly prove their masculinity. Apparently in guy world saying another guy is good looking is less than masculine or sounds gay but in my mind it's just the opposite. If a man is secure enough in himself and his masculinity he should have no problem saying anything he wants to say without putting "no homo" in front of it.

That's all for now. DEUCES!!!

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