Saturday, May 8, 2010

Random Fact About Me

I have never in my 24 years of life worn any type of fake hair. No braids, no weaves, no tracks, no wigs, no extensions, NADA. For no particular reason, I just never wanted to. When I was a kid and all my friends at school would get their little micro-braids and what not my mom would ask if I wanted them too but I always said no. Again, no real reason why, it just wasn't my thing.

It almost seems a little strange because I'm pretty sure every black girl I've ever known (or at least the majority of them) have worn some type of weave in their life. Sometimes I think it's almost expected because it's the "norm." I don't quite remember but I'm pretty sure I've been asked if my hair is really MY hair in the past and if people didn't flat out ask I'm sure there was some speculation. It's a natural girl thing I think, to look at another girl's hair and wonder "is that all hers?"

Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a little (or a lot) of  fake hair here and there, it's just not my thing. I've never done it and I probably never will but who knows, never say never I guess. And in case you were wondering, my hair now is about medium length I guess, almost bra strap length (not shoulder straps, the one that goes across your back). I don't know that length makes a difference though because I've seen girls with long hair still wearing extensions for thickness or whatever. I don't know why some people do or don't wear weaves. To be honest I don't really care that much. Whatever floats your boat.

Anyway like I said, random.  

1 comment:

Clueless_Mama said...

I had hair extensions once. I thought they were kinda fun, but they were horrible to sleep in!! I couldn't wait to get them out. You look like from your picture that you are beautiful without them. :) Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi tonight.