Saturday, April 2, 2011

My First Solo Mission???

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks (YAY!) and I really want to do something other than the usual. The usual being going to the local bar/nightclub that I've been to a million times already. After thinking on it a bit I decided that I really, REALLY want to go to Miami for by birthday. It's perfect because it's on a Thursday and I don't have class Friday so I could catch an early flight and spend the weekend.

Now the problem is finding people, or at least one person, to go with. A lot of people I know went to Miami over the last couple of weeks for spring break so that pretty much counts them out. If I had known I was gonna be sitting around my house unable to work because my manager never returned my calls I would have gone too but that's another story. I'm trying to get my friend to go because her birthday is the day after mine but I don't know if it's gonna happen.

All this is making me wonder if I should just go on my own. As scary of a thought as that is, I really want to go so I should. Why should a lack of a travel buddy stop me from doing what I want to do and going where I want to go? Especially on my birthday which should be all about me anyway. My main issue with going solo is that I'm worried I'll spend the whole trip by myself which is the last thing I want. My naturally quiet nature has me seriously doubting whether I'll be able to make friends to hang out and party with while I'm there.

If I go I plan on staying in this hostel I stayed at last year for spring break because it's a more social setting so that should make it easier to meet people. Plus there was a ton of people there who traveled alone so we'd be in the same boat. Right? Anyway, I guess I still have a little time to decide for sure.

I'm really not sure that I'm ready to (literally) fly solo but maybe it would be good for me to just jump in with both feet. You never know until you try right?


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