Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why Do You Care?

After seeing several people on twitter and other social networking sites basically begging for acceptance from their internet friends it made me wonder, why do they care? I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would care about some random person's opinion of them. Especially when they only contact you've ever had or probably will ever have with that person is via the internet. Yes, we're "friends" on Twitter because we obviously share some common interests and we're interested in what each other has to say but that's as far as it goes. I'm not really interested in all the ins and outs of your life, nor do I feel the need to tell you mine.

Some of these people just seem to have really low self-esteem and are borderline depressed and I guess just looking for some type of validation of their life. For example, one of my followers on Twitter is constantly talking about how if he deleted his account no one would care and he's always begging for people to text with him because he's bored and what not. Then just recently he said he thinks he's bipolar. This might sound harsh but call a fucking therapist and get over it. I don't go on twitter to hear about how miserable and depressed you feel. Furthermore, I don't understand why you care so much about what all of these internet faces think of you. Is your situation in real life so terrible that your internet friends are the only ones you feel you can count on? If so, that's really sad and you might want to do something about that.

I guess if a lot of people are like this I can see how internet bullying can lead to kids wanting to hurt themselves which is even more sad. I don't know, I guess I just feel like the internet and social networking sites just aren't the place for all that drama. Why not go to a support group or something and make some REAL friends?

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