Have you ever dated someone who you're almost positive is certifiable? I'm asking because when I was at dinner with a couple of my friends they were both exchanging stories about their past relationships with crazy dudes. I already knew about my friend J's relationship because eventually the guy started to take his crazy out on me and I warned her that she would end up like those women on Maury who are too scared to leave their abusive husbands and get acid thrown on them when they do. Was that a run on sentence? I'm not sure, it's been a while since I've had a grammar class but that's beside the point.
Anyway, I knew J's bf was crazy because at one point he was trying to get his sister to fight me because he claimed that I was disrespecting their relationship and I didn't like him. He also said I was a bad influence and that J acted different every time I was around. Hey loser, maybe I don't like you because my friend told me you showed up at her house at 3am asking her where she was and threw a pitcher of water at her! Fucking asshole. Then my friend C was talking about her most recent ex and how the crazy runs in his family. It was actually pretty funny.
I was sitting there in silence because as I told them, I've never dated a crazy and they responded with "you will." They basically told me that it was coming and when it does I won't recognize myself and it'll be crazy but that I'll laugh about it afterward. This is what brought me to my original question about dating crazies. They made it seem like it was inevitable, almost a right of passage but I don't think it has to be. In fact I hope it's not because I have neither the time or patience for that bullshit.
So.....have YOU ever dated a crazy? Do you really think that we all get that inevitable ONE in our life that makes us question our own sanity?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Out of Sight, Out of Mind or Absense Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
I've reached a familiar phase in my "relationship" with this guy, if you can really call it that. We've been hanging out for a few weeks now but it's nothing really serious at this point. I find myself at a point now where I'm not really sure where things are going or how it's gonna end up.
The thing about me is that I tend to have a very short attention span when it comes to guys. If a guy isn't making his presence known in some form it's very easy to me to just stop caring and eventually forget about him altogether. Even the tiniest things will suffice, a phone call here, text message there, hell even drop a note on my Facebook wall. Just something to let me know you're around. Why you ask? Because I'm one of those out of sight out of mind people. I'm sure there are many folks out there for which absence makes the heart grow fonder but I am not one of those people. At least not long term.
In the beginning, I totally obsess over the next time I'm gonna speak to or see the boo of the moment. Then after a while it's just like whatever. I guess it's just as much my fault as his. If I really wanted to talk to you I could just as easily pick up the phone but after a while I don't really care enough to bother. That's kind of the point I'm at with this guy. I not so far gone that I just don't give a fuck anymore but right now I really feel like I could go either way. I can either be like screw it and stop caring or I can go back to a milder form of my usual obsession. It's kind of up in the air at this point and the fact that he never responded to my text yesterday isn't exactly helping. I wonder if I should call him today...hmm.
Whatever, I guess I'll just have to see what happens.
The thing about me is that I tend to have a very short attention span when it comes to guys. If a guy isn't making his presence known in some form it's very easy to me to just stop caring and eventually forget about him altogether. Even the tiniest things will suffice, a phone call here, text message there, hell even drop a note on my Facebook wall. Just something to let me know you're around. Why you ask? Because I'm one of those out of sight out of mind people. I'm sure there are many folks out there for which absence makes the heart grow fonder but I am not one of those people. At least not long term.
In the beginning, I totally obsess over the next time I'm gonna speak to or see the boo of the moment. Then after a while it's just like whatever. I guess it's just as much my fault as his. If I really wanted to talk to you I could just as easily pick up the phone but after a while I don't really care enough to bother. That's kind of the point I'm at with this guy. I not so far gone that I just don't give a fuck anymore but right now I really feel like I could go either way. I can either be like screw it and stop caring or I can go back to a milder form of my usual obsession. It's kind of up in the air at this point and the fact that he never responded to my text yesterday isn't exactly helping. I wonder if I should call him today...hmm.
Whatever, I guess I'll just have to see what happens.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Movie Review: Inception
I honestly had no intention of seeing Inception but I'm kind of glad I did. My friend and I were at happy hour at T.G.I. Friday's and somehow movies came up and she suggested we go. Fine by me. I didn't really know what it was about but based on what little I did know I didn't think it was my kind of movie. Turns out I like more different types of movies than I thought. Hurray for my self discovery! Now let's get to the point.
The one negative thing I have to say about Inception is that it was too damn long. I believe it was 148 minutes according to the movie theater website. Seriously, it started at 8:30 and we didn't get out of there until damn near 11pm. If not for my popcorn and the occasional comic relief in the film I probably would've fallen asleep.
Other than that I really don't have anything bad to say about the movie. I thought the whole idea about being able to go into other people's dreams and plant ideas was pretty cool. I also really liked the dream within a dream stuff even though it had me confused for a minute. I'm not gonna give away the end because I'm not that asshole but I was a little mad about it. Not in a bad way though, but I can't really say more without giving it away. It's funny because when the movie ended everyone in the theater let out a simultaneous "aww." But not the sad or sappy "aww" more like a "you're really not gonna tell me what happens" kind of aww, if that makes any sense. It was leaning more towards an "aww damn!" kind of thing but I'm gonna stop trying to explain it now because I'm making myself crazy.
Anyway, if you liked Shutter Island (also starring Leonardo DiCaprio) you'll probably like this movie because it's really similar in a lot of ways. I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars.
The one negative thing I have to say about Inception is that it was too damn long. I believe it was 148 minutes according to the movie theater website. Seriously, it started at 8:30 and we didn't get out of there until damn near 11pm. If not for my popcorn and the occasional comic relief in the film I probably would've fallen asleep.
Other than that I really don't have anything bad to say about the movie. I thought the whole idea about being able to go into other people's dreams and plant ideas was pretty cool. I also really liked the dream within a dream stuff even though it had me confused for a minute. I'm not gonna give away the end because I'm not that asshole but I was a little mad about it. Not in a bad way though, but I can't really say more without giving it away. It's funny because when the movie ended everyone in the theater let out a simultaneous "aww." But not the sad or sappy "aww" more like a "you're really not gonna tell me what happens" kind of aww, if that makes any sense. It was leaning more towards an "aww damn!" kind of thing but I'm gonna stop trying to explain it now because I'm making myself crazy.
Anyway, if you liked Shutter Island (also starring Leonardo DiCaprio) you'll probably like this movie because it's really similar in a lot of ways. I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars.
The Cat Has Been Found!!!
Just a little mini update on the missing cat. She was found...yay! Turns out she was locked in the basement. She must have gone down there when someone was doing laundry and didn't get back up the stairs fast enough. It's kind of weird because when I went down there looking for her with the flashlight I didn't see a damn thing. But someone else was down there doing laundry and she turned up. Weird.
Anyway, that's all. Everything is right with the world again.
Anyway, that's all. Everything is right with the world again.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My Cat is Missing
As the title says, my cat is missing. No one in the house has seen her since around 7-7:30 last night. We thought she was hiding somewhere but now I'm not so sure. Usually when we pop open a can of Fancy Feast she comes running to eat but she didn't. We figured she was probably hiding somewhere and would come out eventually but she never did. I woke up this morning to find that the food in her bowl hadn't been touch. WTF?!
This actually happened before when I was in high school which is why I'm not freaking out as much as I probably should be or at least as much as everyone else. My cat was missing for about a week and we thought she ran away and died or something but it turns out she was in the downstairs apartment the whole time. One day my aunt called freaking out because she saw my cat in the house and told me to come and get her. I guess I'm hoping that this is a similar situation but I'm not sure. We live on the first floor now and I checked the basement and didn't see her. I even when upstairs but nothing. The only thing I can think of is that she got outside somehow. If that's the case who knows where she could be now. She's kind of old too (about 12, which I hear is old for a cat) so it's possible that she could've died and we just haven't found her furry little body yet. I really hope that's not the case.
WHERE THE HELL IS MY CAT?!??!?!?!?!?!?!

Have you seen me?
This actually happened before when I was in high school which is why I'm not freaking out as much as I probably should be or at least as much as everyone else. My cat was missing for about a week and we thought she ran away and died or something but it turns out she was in the downstairs apartment the whole time. One day my aunt called freaking out because she saw my cat in the house and told me to come and get her. I guess I'm hoping that this is a similar situation but I'm not sure. We live on the first floor now and I checked the basement and didn't see her. I even when upstairs but nothing. The only thing I can think of is that she got outside somehow. If that's the case who knows where she could be now. She's kind of old too (about 12, which I hear is old for a cat) so it's possible that she could've died and we just haven't found her furry little body yet. I really hope that's not the case.
WHERE THE HELL IS MY CAT?!??!?!?!?!?!?!

Have you seen me?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stuff I Like: The Series
In the spirit of Random Kat Facts, I've decided to start another semi-regular thing on my blog called stuff I like. Obviously it's gonna be posts about stuff I like at any given moment or maybe something that I've always liked but just feel like sharing.
Today's thing I like:
Frappes. To be more specific the caramel frappe from McDonald's. I had one for the first time the other day when my friend and I were walking around NYC dying from the heat. I figured the frappe would keep me cool and awake because it has caffeine in it. It was pretty good and I could definitely drink those on a regular basis. Not sure if I'm gonna try the mocha. I'm a chocolate freak so it seems only natural that I would but something about mocha flavored drinks and my stomach doesn't mix. TMI? Perhaps. That's all for now.
Today's thing I like:
Frappes. To be more specific the caramel frappe from McDonald's. I had one for the first time the other day when my friend and I were walking around NYC dying from the heat. I figured the frappe would keep me cool and awake because it has caffeine in it. It was pretty good and I could definitely drink those on a regular basis. Not sure if I'm gonna try the mocha. I'm a chocolate freak so it seems only natural that I would but something about mocha flavored drinks and my stomach doesn't mix. TMI? Perhaps. That's all for now.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Review: The Hills Series Finale
To be honest I started watching The Hills later and I was never really a fan of Laguna Beach so when I finally did start watching The Hills it was during a time when they were showing a marathon on MTV. Not that it really matters when I started watching but I just thought I'd share.
Basically for a series finale I thought the episode sucked. And what was with that little Hollywood backdrop thing at the end? Was that confirmation that the whole thing was fake? I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that. The ending was just lame if you ask me. In fact the entire show has been lame ever since Lauren left. I don't care what anyone says that was HER show and without her it didn't stand a chance. I'm not the least bit surprised that the series ended as soon as she was gone.
All that BS with Kristin and Brody was more annoying than anything. Either get together or just be friends, enough with the nonsense. Audrina and Justin? Whatever. He may be hot but he's a loser as far as boyfriends go. Yay for Lo being practically engaged! Who knew she even had a man? And that guy that Stephanie met seems pretty decent. They look like a cute couple. Speidi wasn't there but they're both fame whores who can kick rocks. Poor Heidi should've listened to her friends and family about Spencer from the beginning.
Anyway, The Hills going off the air is really no big loss to me. It was fun while it lasted but hey, life goes on.
Basically for a series finale I thought the episode sucked. And what was with that little Hollywood backdrop thing at the end? Was that confirmation that the whole thing was fake? I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that. The ending was just lame if you ask me. In fact the entire show has been lame ever since Lauren left. I don't care what anyone says that was HER show and without her it didn't stand a chance. I'm not the least bit surprised that the series ended as soon as she was gone.
All that BS with Kristin and Brody was more annoying than anything. Either get together or just be friends, enough with the nonsense. Audrina and Justin? Whatever. He may be hot but he's a loser as far as boyfriends go. Yay for Lo being practically engaged! Who knew she even had a man? And that guy that Stephanie met seems pretty decent. They look like a cute couple. Speidi wasn't there but they're both fame whores who can kick rocks. Poor Heidi should've listened to her friends and family about Spencer from the beginning.
Anyway, The Hills going off the air is really no big loss to me. It was fun while it lasted but hey, life goes on.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Is it a girl thing or am I just ridiculous?
Once again I've started obsessing over a guy after only really knowing him for a short time. Actually I met this guy almost a year ago but we've only recently starting hanging out or "dating" if you will. It was only one "date" so I don't know if I would call that dating anyway but whatever. The point is now I'm back to doing that ridiculous thing I do when I obsess over a guy to the point where it drives me crazy. I'm just wondering if this is a general girl thing or if I'm just weird like that.
Basically ever since Monday the 5th we've talked on the phone almost everyday. I saw him the Friday before that but didn't call because I knew he had some things going on. Then when I finally did talk to him Monday he's all "why didn't you call?" First, I didn't realize I was supposed to call and second I don't want to seem like I'm all up on his dick for lack of a better term. Anyway, for the rest of the week we talked on the phone at least once everyday, maybe more. Then Friday we had our little date then I spent all day Saturday with him until around 7pm. He told me he was kidnapping me so he would have my undivided attention.
He dropped me off Saturday evening and said to call him and in my mind I'm thinking like the next day or something. Wrong. When I called the next day he's all like "hey, you were supposed to call me" and I told him I didn't realize he meant that same day. I was just with you for almost an entire day so I figured we could both use a break. He mentioned something about us trying to work out when to see each other this week because he starts school again so with that and work he's gonna be busier than usual.
Now on to my ridiculousness. Is that a word? Whatever. Anyway, it's been a day and I haven't talked to him since yesterday afternoon sometime and I'm having a fit. WHY?!?! Why do I always to this to myself? I get way too attached way too fast and it becomes a problem. I mean here I am freaking out because this guy hasn't called me since yesterday! Who does that?!?! Is this normal? Do all girls do this or it is just me? Someone snap me out of this and help me come to my senses!
Basically ever since Monday the 5th we've talked on the phone almost everyday. I saw him the Friday before that but didn't call because I knew he had some things going on. Then when I finally did talk to him Monday he's all "why didn't you call?" First, I didn't realize I was supposed to call and second I don't want to seem like I'm all up on his dick for lack of a better term. Anyway, for the rest of the week we talked on the phone at least once everyday, maybe more. Then Friday we had our little date then I spent all day Saturday with him until around 7pm. He told me he was kidnapping me so he would have my undivided attention.
He dropped me off Saturday evening and said to call him and in my mind I'm thinking like the next day or something. Wrong. When I called the next day he's all like "hey, you were supposed to call me" and I told him I didn't realize he meant that same day. I was just with you for almost an entire day so I figured we could both use a break. He mentioned something about us trying to work out when to see each other this week because he starts school again so with that and work he's gonna be busier than usual.
Now on to my ridiculousness. Is that a word? Whatever. Anyway, it's been a day and I haven't talked to him since yesterday afternoon sometime and I'm having a fit. WHY?!?! Why do I always to this to myself? I get way too attached way too fast and it becomes a problem. I mean here I am freaking out because this guy hasn't called me since yesterday! Who does that?!?! Is this normal? Do all girls do this or it is just me? Someone snap me out of this and help me come to my senses!
self reflection
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Return of Penis Man
Oddly enough I don't think I've ever written on my blog about penis man before. I guess because around the time I started blogging I was pretty obsessed with my Aussie man I met on Spring Break (I actually talk about him in five different posts here, here, here, here, and here. Sad I know...smh). In that case I guess I should give a little back story on penis man and how he got that name.
I met this guy at a local bar that my friends and I always complain about yet still continue to go back there every now and again. It was dark and I had a few adult beverages in my system so I didn't really know what he looked like but he had to be at least somewhat cute or I never would've given him my number. Anyway, we texted a bit then I left to go back to school and we continued texting and talking on the phone for a while. Then came the penis incident. *sigh* Why me?
One morning I woke up to a text from him which was annoying because I was actually sleeping at the time and the phone woke me up so already I'm pissed. Then imagine my shock when I see a picture message of an erect penis, which I assume was his, and a message saying "morning wood for you." Umm, pardon me? Mind you I had only seen this guy in person one time which was the night we met. Everything else was just through the phone. I was so shocked I didn't even know what to do or say so I didn't do anything. I just ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. From then on I referred to him as Penis Man to my friends and in my mind. This was strike 1 by the way.
Fast forward several months later and he's back in the picture. He's actually been pretty persistent about talking to me and trying to hang out so I'll give him that. Unfortunately he's already on strike 2 after only a few weeks of us talking again. He said something along the lines of "I'm not really feeling this sarcastic, cynical thing." Really dude because that's kind of my personality. It didn't really register at first because I was a little tipsy when he said it but after sobering up the next morning it pissed me off. In fact the entire phone conversation that night was strange but it's too much to get into here. I'm really hoping he doesn't make strike 3 because aside from the things I mentioned he's actually a decent catch. He's cute, he meets the height requirement, he's in school, working and very focused. I dig.
I met this guy at a local bar that my friends and I always complain about yet still continue to go back there every now and again. It was dark and I had a few adult beverages in my system so I didn't really know what he looked like but he had to be at least somewhat cute or I never would've given him my number. Anyway, we texted a bit then I left to go back to school and we continued texting and talking on the phone for a while. Then came the penis incident. *sigh* Why me?
One morning I woke up to a text from him which was annoying because I was actually sleeping at the time and the phone woke me up so already I'm pissed. Then imagine my shock when I see a picture message of an erect penis, which I assume was his, and a message saying "morning wood for you." Umm, pardon me? Mind you I had only seen this guy in person one time which was the night we met. Everything else was just through the phone. I was so shocked I didn't even know what to do or say so I didn't do anything. I just ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. From then on I referred to him as Penis Man to my friends and in my mind. This was strike 1 by the way.
Fast forward several months later and he's back in the picture. He's actually been pretty persistent about talking to me and trying to hang out so I'll give him that. Unfortunately he's already on strike 2 after only a few weeks of us talking again. He said something along the lines of "I'm not really feeling this sarcastic, cynical thing." Really dude because that's kind of my personality. It didn't really register at first because I was a little tipsy when he said it but after sobering up the next morning it pissed me off. In fact the entire phone conversation that night was strange but it's too much to get into here. I'm really hoping he doesn't make strike 3 because aside from the things I mentioned he's actually a decent catch. He's cute, he meets the height requirement, he's in school, working and very focused. I dig.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Screening Comments
There are several blogs out that require the owner to approve a comment before allowing it to be posted. I can understand this to an extent because some people just go around posting spam or other comments that are just unnecessarily mean and negative so screening is necessary. However, I don't agree with not allowing a comment just because you happen to not like it or it doesn't say what you want it to say.
I was inspired to write this by another blog I follow who will remain nameless. This girl just started some kind of fashion thing on her blog where she shows an outfit she's wearing and there is a poll where you can vote on whether you like it or not and of course leave comments. I left a comment that I didn't really care for the outfit but that I loved the shoes. There were no other comments at the time and I had to wait for it to be approved so it was just whatever. Then I go back today and I see two other comments that are very positive and raving about how they love the outfit and yet my comment is nowhere to be found...hmm. This lead me to believe that she didn't 'approve' my comment because I wasn't totally in love with the outfit like the other two.
It's kind of annoying if you ask me. I mean why bother to ask people's opinion on something but then when their opinion isn't what you want it to be you shut them down. I mean really who does that? It just kinda pissed me off but whatever. It's her blog and if she wants to screen comments and make it look like everyone likes that outfit that's her business. At least now I know that she can't take criticism....clearly.
I was inspired to write this by another blog I follow who will remain nameless. This girl just started some kind of fashion thing on her blog where she shows an outfit she's wearing and there is a poll where you can vote on whether you like it or not and of course leave comments. I left a comment that I didn't really care for the outfit but that I loved the shoes. There were no other comments at the time and I had to wait for it to be approved so it was just whatever. Then I go back today and I see two other comments that are very positive and raving about how they love the outfit and yet my comment is nowhere to be found...hmm. This lead me to believe that she didn't 'approve' my comment because I wasn't totally in love with the outfit like the other two.
It's kind of annoying if you ask me. I mean why bother to ask people's opinion on something but then when their opinion isn't what you want it to be you shut them down. I mean really who does that? It just kinda pissed me off but whatever. It's her blog and if she wants to screen comments and make it look like everyone likes that outfit that's her business. At least now I know that she can't take criticism....clearly.
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